Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blog Challenge

This is in response to the blog challenge on The Scrapbook Oasis:

*Where did you meet your husband? Jacksonville, FL
*What was the first thing you said to your husband? Hi, I'm Jenny
*Where was your first date? Real date - June 1988
*Where was your first kiss? June 1988
*Where did you get married? Courthouse in Jacksonville, FL
*How long have you been married? 19 1/2 years (today!)
*How long did you date? 4 months
*Long or short engagement? short
*How old is he? 64
*Who eats more? Michael does
*Who said I love you first? probably me
*Who is taller? Michael
*Who sings better? Me
*Who is smarter? Michael
*Whose temper is worse? Mine
*Who does the laundry? Me
*Who does the dishes? Michael
*Who pays the bills? Michael
*Who mows the lawn? Both of us
*Who cooks dinner? Me
*Who drives when you are together? Michael - I make him nervous
*Who is more stubborn? Me
*Whose parents do you see the most? My Mom
*Who proposed? No one really - one day I said "when we get married"
*Who has more friends? Me
*Who has more siblings? Michael

1 comment:

janet said...

Hi, Jenny! I still need to do this challenge. Happy Belated Anniversary! Hope it was nice. Have a wonderful Easter!